God, A Human History. Reza Aslan (2017)

Earlier this year, I read Reza Aslan’s God, A Human History, not really sure what to expect. While I found him to be a good and entertaining author and storyteller, it was a frustrating and disappointing read.

(and yes, I read the Large Print format. In fact, I believe that this was the first time that I actually read a large print from cover to cover, and I enjoyed the reading experience. 🙂 )

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A Bouquet for you, as an apology, and to get back into it…

Dear followers, I do apologize for having gone missing in action on you over the past little while. Other priorities required more attention than this blog, so I hope that you found others ways to entertain yourself in the meantime. I hope that I will have the discipline and a bit more time to dedicate to the blog. As an apology to you all, allow to present to you this quick entry, simply listing some of the latest books I devoured, in no particular order (well actually, in the order that they’re currently stacked on the table in front of me…). Please accept them as a sort of bouquet. I am simply listing them here, to keep the entry short and sweet, but please don’t hesitate to comment or inquire about any of them, and I will be happy to discuss at length…

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